A more diverse, modern, student-led, news experience.

MTK News
MTK News was started as a platform for students to write, and learn more about, their passions- however diverse they may be. With a number of topics from technology and politics, to rocketry and philosophy, we offer a fresh perspective on events in the world around us.

Inspire Edu inc.
In an effort to empower students and highlight their achievements, Inspire-Edu Inc. has re-launched MTK News, providing a dynamic platform for young voices to be heard. This initiative represents our commitment to nurturing creativity and student passion while connecting with a broader audience.
We offer accessible writing education for all, with a number of workshops and presentations ranging from writing for the public eye, to grant proposals, college applications and more to further the opportunities present to all and push students to give back to and connect with more communities.
Recent Articles
We explore a wide variety of topics through fresh perspectives. See some of our most recent articles below.
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